4/508: UPDATED for Continue extension.
This is a complete walkthrough for Continue (except for the secret room) so it does contain spoilers. Will you continue?
Level 1 (A bunch of arrows pointing to a red button) :
Help: Click the button.
Level 2 (A pong game):
Help: Click 'Y'.
Level 3: (A button that says "Continue" and it moves across the sceen when you move over it.)
Help: Click the space where the button used to be, regardless of whether it's still there.
Level 4: (Four yellow buttons surrounding a =p)
Help: Click the bottom left button.
Level 5: (A red sock)
Help: Move the stock away to reveal a button.
Level 6: (5 disappearing orange buttons.)
Help: At the bottom left corner there's a button called 'Gasp' click on it.
Level 7: (A blue button with the text, "This one doesn't work")
Help: Click the 'o' in "doesn't".
1st Save Point.
Level 8: (two green arrows in a maze)
1. Click the right arrow.
2. Click the down arrow.
3. Click the right arrow.
4. Click the up arrow.
5. Click the up arrow again.
6. Click the right arrow.
7. Click the up arrow.
8. Click the circular button.
Level 9: (Text: "So what now?")
1. Click the "Plox help me!" button in the top right corner.
2. Delete the text in the text field "So what now?" and type "continue".
3. Click the button.
Level 10: (Robbitpolis National Bank)
Help: Type any one of these passwords:
-1993 (Year Robbit was born)
-9975 (from "robin9975")
-4815 (first numbers from LOST's numbers)
-5678 ("LOST" in phone digits)
-2008 (speaks for itself)
Level 11: (Mouse avoider red maze)
Help: Their 'friend' isn't actually the other guy that looks like them. It's the red circle near the bottom right. Navigate there and click it.
2nd Save Point.
Level 12: ( A bunch of emoticons and other things)
Help: Click the =(
(The =( is the only graphic you haven't faced yet)
Level 13: (A bunch of papers)
Help: Clear them away from the bottom left corner and click "CONTINUE" on the sticky.
Level 14: (A TV on Channel 4 with a Wii next to it.)
Help: Click the small green button in front of the contestant.
Level 15: (Various companies and a "WTF")
Help: Click the 'WTF'.
Level 16: (Same as Level 14 but the Wii has 'Wii' written on it)
Help: Click the 'Wii' written on the Wii.
Level 17: (A piano)
Help: Counting from the left click the 9th key. Don't forget to count the keys in between.
(in Lvl 13, the music sheet has circled an E (which is the ninth note from the left)
Level 18: (A detailed scene with excavators)
Help: Click the "Smoke on the water" option.
(The excavators find something "Deep purple". "Smoke on the water" is a text from the song with the identical name, which is performed by Deep purple. (the other texts are from: "Chariot - Gavin DeGraw" and "Wonderwall - Oasis")
3rd Save Point.
Level 19: (Pizza foodstuffs)
1. Click cookie dough.
2. Click ketchup.
3. Click "TUC" cheese flavor.
4. Click the red polka dotted mushroom.
5. Click the fish.
6. Click the oven.
7. Click the Funghi and anchovy box.
Level 20: (Math worksheet)
Help: Type 'LOST' in the answer box and click 'GO!'. (If you're curious, the answer was on a math worksheet on Level 13.)
Level 21: (Level 16 with a remote.)
Help: Counting from the top left of the remote, click the 4th button. Then just click the small green button in front of the contestant on TV. (It just is the quiz channel again. ^^)
Level 22: (All text saying the buttons are "back","stronger" and "better".)
Help: Click "Right...".
Level 23: (Final level, one orange button, one green button)
Help: Click the 'NO!' at the bottom left corner.
4th Save Point. (You win basically.)
EDIT: Not anymore!
Level 24: (March Calendar)
Help: Near the bottom right corner is a black arrow, click it.
Level 25: Just text saying do/can/dare you?
Help: Click I'm ready!
Level 26: A bunch of buttons.
Help: Click the orange button and wait for the animation to finish. The code is '746' (Which if you're wondering is 'Sim' in phone numbers).
Level 27: Two pause buttons.
1. Click right pause button.
2. Click bottom left pause button.
3. Click red pause button.
4. Click the rightmost pause button.
5. Click the single one left.
6. Click the top rightmost blue button. (Hard to describe)
7. Click the yellow button.
Level 28: Black screen.
Help: Click near the top right to find a switch to turn on the light, then move the machine out of the way and press the button.
Level 29: Robbit himself!
Help: Click the play button thrice and click the small yellow button in the flower.
Level 30: Green button.
Help: Click it. Win!
Video walkthrough by the creator himself! Robbit!
Now go search for that secret room. :D
Nice guide :D
Helped a lot.
Good blog by the way.
The secret room is located when you must type in "LOST"
Instead of "LOST" Type "Robbit"
Sweet, thanks for the guide. Loads of XP GET! (Kongregans will get that..)
Nice blog, fyi.
When you must find the friend just RIGHT CLICK
You can then move over to the circle in the bottom right of the screen and double click, taking you to the next level.
Level 27: Two pause buttons.
1. Click right pause button.
2. Click bottom left pause button.
3. Click red pause button.
4. Click the rightmost pause button.
5. Click the single one left.
6. Click the top rightmost blue button. (Hard to describe)
7. Click the yellow button.
When I click the yellow button I lose =(
Thanks for linking the posts shadowstalker! As for your predicament I'm confuzzled. Are you sure you followed the directions exactly right? It works for me.
Another Sectret Room is in the ATM Machine. type in 1337 and press the button.
Continue has it's achievements back! :D
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