Sunday, March 23, 2008

Multiplayer Asteroids: Gunner and combo kills.

To Be Edited by RunaWorld if needed.
The gunner and machine gunner achievements are more then easy to obtain one only needs to be patient.

Tips to make gaining achievements faster.

Make a Gunner Wall
  1. Create your own room.
  2. Spawn
  3. Press and hold the down arrow key for 10 seconds. This will send your spaceship backwards.
  4. Hold the space bar to shoot. After about 15 minutes you will get the gunner achievement with the machine gunner achievement to follow.
  5. If you did this right you will be shooting and moving up and down in your own fire.
Combo kills
  1. Once you have your "Gunner wall" (see above) get a friend or someone else to run into your wall 20 times in a row so you can obtain the Mo-Mo-Monster kill and unstoppable achievements.
  2. Have the person fly horizontally as you move vertically to form a cross of gun fire.
  3. Once you have 20 kills in a row switch spots so your friend can get the combo achievements.
Other Tips
  1. The "Gunner wall" can work well in rooms with five or more people.
  2. If someone enters or room while your trying to get the gunner achievements when they kill you DON'T re spawn and they will leave you alone after awhile.
  3. If you leave a room your bullet fired and combo kill counter is restarted.
  4. Getting a friend to help you get the achievements is considered cheating by most players.

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